среда, 19 февраля 2020 г.


They ruin the song. I always wondered where that version originated. The first are or were usually available on official maxi singles or CDs and contain at least now and then some additional music played by the Stones, e. Undxercover Of The Night Extended is good basically cause it keeps the song! Anyone have a list? It has the extra verse like in the music video, but it isn't speeded up and goes on far too long. All those stupid fast beats. sympathy for the devil neptunes remix free mp3

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I hate those stupid remixes A DJ knows nothing about music This was not officially released, but it did pick up radio airplay for a bit sympthy early I always wondered where that version originated. The result is usually only horrible They ruin the song.

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It has the extra verse like in the music video, but it isn't speeded up and goes on far too long. Undxercover Of The Night Extended is good basically cause it keeps the song! Anyone have a list?

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Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum. Those stupid 'remixes' by DJs are deplorable. The freee are or were usually available on official maxi singles or CDs and contain at least now and then some additional music played by the Stones, e. For information about how to use this forum please check out forum help and policies. If they tour again So you want them to play a 12" version live!

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Talk Talk about your favorite band. Some of these versions are really good.

Record Number of Users: Edited 2 time s. There were at least six versions of Love Is Strong!

Sympathy For The Devil Remix

These are meant to be a joke, correct? I remixed "Gimme Shelter". Thanks for he Post. Off the top of my head, actual remixes, not the stupid 'dance' mixes: Quote DizzyDutch what about a brand new thread about those great rolling stones remixes?

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Last edit at Juiced and Undercover are the only realistic remixes. Umm, sorry, but these efforts are simply godawful. I can't recall but I thought I remember there being some list of what all has gotten remixed.

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At least Dre's mix had some sort of thug element to it. The rest are for people who make music on computers There was one out of the several Rock And A Sym;athy Place remixes that was worthy only because it's actually the song and not some gay club beat combo thing. I thought this was rather good Winning ugly 12 is a really great mix!!!

You can download it for free on my website, click here: Wow, it's amazing those awful dance club mixes are even allowed.

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